Saturday, August 3, 2013

Am 'I a disorder..? (No!) part 1

"An official diagnosis can be made by a qualified mental health professional, and requires that the individual exhibit 5 of the 9 symptoms identified in the DSM-IV. Practitioners must also rule out other psychiatric disorders in order to make a diagnosis."

Narcissism Symptoms (in red) (according to
  • An exaggerated sense of one's own abilities and achievements.

  • 'I don't have an exaggerated sense of 'my abilities, but 'I do have unique abilities that only 'I am capable of...  'my original 'creations of characters&concepts&games mostly.
  • A constant need for attention, affirmation and praise.
  • 'I don't need to be praised from others, 'Idk what affirmation means...  'I love 'myself so praising&criticism from 'myself is all 'I need.
    Does "feeling the need to listen to other peoples stories" count as "attention"?

  • A belief that he or she is unique or "special" and should only associate with other people of the same status.

  • This is the most retarded diagnosis ever, why? Because each person is unique in their own ways. And this diagnosis proves that most people throw away their uniqueness and actually try to become sheep. So 'I applaud "narcissists" for having the strength to keep their uniqueness and to not fall from the mighty fist of evil poisonous being known as social pressure.

  • Persistent fantasies about attaining success and power.
  • How is motivation and confidence a problem? Haha, 'I often 'dream about having a life in the animeverse : battle-shounen style. (very similar to one piece and stuff)  Does that count?

  • Exploiting other people for personal gain.
  • 'I seem to do this by accident once in a while... if 'I ever catch 'myself doing this to someone 'I immediately tell them and ask them if its okay or if 'I should stop

  • A sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatment.

  • 'I believe every person should be entitled to everything that makes a person healthy both mentally&physically. Sadly, in this world where most people are greedy.. it maybe wont ever happen.

  • A preoccupation with power or success.

  • Ever since 'I was like 4 or 5 years old, 'I decided to be a videogame maker and cartoonist. 'I still am fighting for that 'dream. (+more now... if 'my theories/beliefs on reality are true.. 'I'l someday try to make 'my own world after-earth)

  • Feeling envious of others, or believing that others are envious of him or her.

  • 'I'm extraordinarily envious of the greedy rich faggots who are only wealthy because they have people slaving(both directly and indirectly) for them . Go charity that shit, you faggot bitches.

  • A lack of empathy for others.

    'I definitely have empathy for others. 'I also definitly like 'myself more than others.
    Think of it this way.. do you have any pets? Most humans value humans over other animals. So this is a perfect example to use.
    If your pet is sad, you would feel sad because he's sad/guilty, right? If your pet is happy, you'd get some happiness from your happy pet, right? That IS empathy right?
    But most humans, if they got stuck in a situation where they could only rescue one person (a human or your pet) who would you save? Most humans would choose to save the other human.
    So now, swap "your pet" with "other people"
    And swap "human" with "'myself"
    And that's 'my view on others.

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